What are the Hummingbird Tattoos?
The tattoos can be described as a permanent drawing or writing, which is done on the various parts of a body’s skin. The tattoos are made with the help of a needle and permanent ink, which comes in various colors.
Nowadays, as the younger generation is more exposed to the concept of modernism, therefore, the trend of tattoos among them is rapidly increasing. The word tattoo is taken from ‘Tatu’, which is a Tahitian word and it means to mark something. There are not age restrictions on getting a tattoo in most of the countries, but some of them do have certain restrictions, which commonly include age and religious restrictions.
The concept of Hummingbird Tattoos is familiar to the world from last many centuries, but the traditional methods of getting tattoos have surely been substituted with the today’s modern methods.
The traditional methods involved the use of animal bones for the purpose of pricking, as the bones were cut in a needle-like shape and were sharp enough to do some picking. Nowadays, the proper needles and machine have taken over the traditional methods.
The process of making a tattoo
The process of making a Tattoo Hummingbird is not easy and requires a lot of patience, concentration, and practice. Back in the days of extreme simplicity, the process of making tattoos was extremely difficult, as they did not have any professional or specific tools. In comparison to that, today’s job of tattoo making is far more relieving, modern and appreciated. Let’s start discussing the whole process in detail.
The dermis is a tissue, which is right underneath the first layer of a human body’s skin and to make a tattoo, it is really important that the ink reaches the dermis tissue. Now a typical question arises that how does the ink reaches the dermis layer, well it is quite easy, especially if a needle is involved.
Yes, the main purpose of the needle is to carry out the process of picking in the epidermis layer of the skin, which somehow create some very tiny pores in the upper layer of the skin, therefore, allowing the sweeping of the ink into the dermis layer. The process of picking is revised many times until it becomes clear that the ink has properly reached the inner layer of the skin.
A needle, which is used for the making of a tattoo is not an ordinary needle. It is actually different, which has at least three ends to it and not more than 25 ends. The ends are there to make the overall process a lot faster than the traditional methods and also to make thousands of pricks within a few minutes.
The designs of the hummingbird Tattoos
Nowadays, the styles and designs of the tattoos are not limited, but they have a lot of variety from which a person can choose. The modern day tools and machines have allowed the tattoo artists to be more creative and versatile with their designs, which proved to a really good thing for the tattoo lovers. The customers can get any animal design, flower, doodle, shapes, luck signs, wings, names, feathers, logos, skulls, peace signs, religious signs and what not.
Well, as the whole concept of Tattoos hummingbird is increasing and becoming more popular, the people are coming up with some really unique and mind blowing ideas, which they want to turn into a tattoo. Believe it or not, people also end up getting the visual images of their different stories in the form of a tattoo. Particularly the stories revolve around the subject of love.
The Hummingbird Tattoos
The hummingbird is one of the most popular designs if we talk about the category of the tattoos. As per the traditional beliefs, it is believed that almost every design of a tattoo has got some story to depict, therefore, people carefully choose the design, which they want to get and often end up taking months to decide what they actually want to flaunt. The hummingbird’s design is really common among the women and it is actually considered as too mainstream.
According to many women, the hummingbird depicts feminism, therefore, they go for this particular design. Moreover, the hummingbirds also portray the meaning of love and this belief is quite popular in all around the world. Most of the people get a tattoo of hummingbird made, along with a cage. The whole design has to depict the concept of freedom in general and also the freedom of love.
The tattoos hummingbird also hold great importance for the Aztecs. This is because their religious leaders and royals used to wear the dead hummingbirds and the feathers around their neck in really small bags. Moreover, the Aztecs also believe that all the dead warriors and leaders were reincarnated as the hummingbirds, therefore, they have some emotional sentiments attached to the hummingbirds.
The other common design of Tattoos hummingbird is made along with the flowers. It is believed that both the hummingbird and flowers cannot live without each other, therefore, they have to be together, even when getting inked.
For some of the people, the hummingbird represents a joyful life, because of all the colours, a hummingbird has got in its feathers. Those people who are really satisfied with their lives, prefer to get a tattoo of a hummingbird, in order to show joy, peace, and happiness.
On the other hand, for some of the people, the hummingbird Tattoos represents sorrow and difficulty. It is believed that a hummingbird is a really small bird, in comparison to the other birds.
Hence, because of its small structure, the hummingbird faces a lot of difficulties in surviving and is also an easy target for all the predators. In order to mark their survival through the difficult times, or also to mark some sort of sorrow or grief, people use the design of hummingbird, homer simpson tattoo when they are about to get a tattoo.
All these beliefs are very popular in all around the world and no one can actually tell that whether these beliefs are real or just some myths. Though, one thing is clear that the hummingbirds are really popular among the people.
17 Hummingbird Tattoos Designs